
| 28 résultat(s)

y Arts - 20e siècle


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Harrod, Tanya
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2018

A secret history of craft told through lost and overlooked texts that illuminate our understanding of current art practice.

“Craft” is a contested concept in art history and a vital category through which to understand contemporary art. Through craft, materials, techniques, and tools are investigated and their histories explored in order to reflect on the politics of labor and on the extraordinary complexity of the made world around us. This ...

Cote : 745.5 H3234c 2018

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Boon, Marcus ; Levine, Gabriel
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2018

‘Practice’ is one of the key words of contemporary art, ranging from artists’ descriptions of their practice to curatorial practice, from social practice to practice-based research. Once used to denote ‘doing’, as distinct from thinking and making, today the term can convey associations of political action (praxis), professional activity, discipline or rehearsal, as well as a shift away from the self-enclosed artwork or medium to open-ended ...

Cote : 700.1 B7248p 2018

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McDonough, Tom
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2017

In contemporary art, boredom is no longer viewed as a singular experience; rather, it is contingent on diverse social identifications and cultural positions, and extends from a malign condition to be struggled against, to an experience to be embraced, or explored as a site of resistance. This anthology explores this history: from the political critique of boredom in 1960s France; silence, repetition or indifference in Fluxus, Pop, Minimalism and ...

Cote : 700.453
M1367b 2017

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Spieker, Sven
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2017

The effects and meanings of destruction are central in the work of many of our most influential artists. Since the early 1960s, artists have cut, sliced, burned, blurred, erased, daubed-over, pulled down, ripped, sawn, shot, acid-bombed, exploded, smashed, crushed, compressed or even masticated their material to explore the meaning of their artistic processes. Here destruction changes from a negative state or passive condition to a highly ...

Cote : 700.108 S7553d 2017

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Sigler, Friederike
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2017

Work's meaning both within art and in its wider economic and social context: the complexities of being an art worker in the new economy. [editor summary]

Cote : 701.03 S577w 2017

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Pirates! : l'art du détournement culturel

Pujas, Sophie
Paris : Tana , 2017

Théorisé par les situationnistes dans les années 1950, le détournement, c'est la créativité sous le signe du clin d'œil, voire du flirt avec l'absurde, mais aussi du soupçon permanent. Désormais, à l'ère du 2.0, chacun peut s'approprier les images cultes et jouer avec. Cet art de la subversion s'invite dans la vie quotidienne et ne cesse d'investir de nouveaux territoires comme de nouveaux supports. Entre fétichisme nostalgique et dézingage ...

Cote : 709.05 P979p 2017

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Getsy, David J.
Londre ; Cambridge ( Massachusetts) : Whitechapel Gallery ; MIT Press, 2016

Rather than a book of queer theory for artists, this is a book of artists’ queer tactics and infectious concepts. In the first such anthology to be centred on artists’ writings, numerous conversations about queer practice are brought together from diverse individual, social and cultural contexts. Together these texts describe and examine the ways in which artists have used the concept of queer as a site of political and institutional critique, ...

Cote : 700.453 G3943q 2016

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Cook, Sarah
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2016

While information science draws distinctions between ‘information’, signals and data, artists from the 1960s to the present have questioned the validity and value of such boundaries. Artists have investigated information’s materiality, in signs, records and traces; its immateriality, in hidden codes, structures and flows; its embodiment, in instructions, social interaction and political agency; its overload, or uncontrollable excess, challenging ...

Cote : 709.04 C7711i 2016

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Ramos, Filipa
Londre ; Cambridge ( Massachusetts) : Whitechapel Gallery ; MIT Press, 2016

Animals have become the focus of much recent art, informing numerous works and projects featured at major exhibitions. Contemporary art has become a privileged terrain for exploring interspecies relationships, providing the conditions for diverse disciplines and theoretical positions to engage with animal behaviour and consciousness. Artists’ engagement with animals opens up new perspectives on the dynamics of dominance, oppression and ...

Cote : 700.462 R1753a 2016

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Beshty, Walead
Cambridge : The MIT Press, 2015

The boundary of a contemporary art object or project is no longer thought of solely in physical terms but rather in relation to the specific social field it creates. Art is thus increasingly implicated in questions of ethics. This collection evaluates the relation of ethics to aesthetics, an encounter central to the contested space of much recent practice. It brings together theoretical foundations for an ethics of aesthetics; appraisals of art ...

Cote : 701.08 B5548e 2015

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Livres [28]

Date de publication

2018 [2]

2017 [4]

2016 [3]

2015 [2]

2014 [2]

2013 [3]

2012 [2]

2011 [2]

2010 [1]

2009 [3]

2008 [2]

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2004 [1]

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